Booking form



Fill in your contact details and we’ll confirm and send details of payment

Making a booking


  • Contact us to reserve your weeks
  • Complete the online booking form
  • We will email you to confirm the reservation, so please make sure these details are completed correctly
  • Until you receive this confirmation please do not book your travel arrangements.


You may prefer to E-Mail us or phone to ask questions first, with this initial enquiry please ask as many questions as possible. Hopefully our web site will answer most questions, however it is very important to us that all our guests enjoy their time at La Grange du Moulin. A rural cottage holiday will not suit all families, so you must 

express any individual needs or concerns prior to making a booking, to ensure that our accommodation is right for you and your family.

To make sure our gites are right for you and your family Please take the time to read our 





Once we have received your booking form, we will send you a copy and an email with deposit payment details. The non refundable deposit of 30% is payable either by bank transfer to our  French bank or by sumup using a credit/debit card .

TVA non applicable selon art 293 B du CGI

Hébergement touristique et autre hébergement de courte durée

Siret: 83031537000023 NAF: 5520Z

Booking form La Grange du Moulin

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