Child Friendly holiday rentals
La Grange du Moulin
toddler & child friendly family holiday rental cottages in France
If we do not have the availability you need contact us as we have other properties.
Please note prices do not include optional extra services or tax de séjour.
Dark blue indicates the cottage is booked, light blue indicates it is available. SCROLL DOWN FOR ALL COTTAGES
In May we offer reservations by the night, minimum 4 nights
In June we offer reservations by the night, minimum 4 nights
In July we offer minimum of 1 week reservations. Reservations of between 1 and 2 weeks are only available in certain cottages. Some cottages may be minilum 2 weeks
In August we offer minimum of 1 week reservations. Reservations of between 1 and 2 weeks are only available in certain cottages. Some cottages may be minilum 2 weeks
In June we offer reservations by the night, minimum 4 nights
All Rights Reserved | La Grange du Moulin, a child friendly gites property
TVA non applicable selon art 293 B du CGI
Wendy Blakeman Entrepreneur Individuel
Hébergement touristique et autre hébergement de courte durée
Siret: 83031537000023 NAF: 5520Z
Responsabilité civile :Prestataires de services N° 79850213
The mediator MCP MEDIATION can be contacted directly online at the following address: