Child Friendly holiday rentals
La Grange du Moulin
toddler & child friendly family holiday rental cottages in France
Essential things to pack - well many of these things will seem obvious but in the last 20 years we have experienced families who have forgotten at least one of these things - new baby passport is the most common ! But as well as remembering to take them away - don't forget to bring them back home too !
1, Current passport
- check all passports are in date at least 3 months before travelling to give time to renew if necessary. Don't forget new baby needs a passport too.
To renew or apply for a uk passport go to
2, Tickets
- whether this be a printed email ticket, a barcode on your phone or just a reservation number its easy to forget these days as few people receive 'old fashioned tickets' but you'll definitely need something ! Many of the cheap airlines require you to check in online and print boarding passes before arriving at the airport, so make sure you check your airlines requirements before getting to the airport to avoid extra costs
3, EHIC card
- European Health Insurance card . This will cover 100% of emergency treatment and 70% of other treatment when in France (at the time of writing - this may change after Brexit) . Apply free from the there is no fee so stay away from web sites that charge
4, Driving papers
- if hiring a car you'll need your passport, details of your car hire reservation and your current drivers licence including the paper part for those who still have one, if taking your own car to France you must have a current drivers licence, current car insurance document, GB sticker, warning triangle and headlamps must be adjusted, a breathalyser is 'compulsory' but you cannot be fined (at present) for not having one . For full information on other European countries, motorcycle requirements and more in depth information about driving in France visit web site
5, Travel insurance
- if you have taken out travel insurance (highly recommended) remember to bring your contract number and contact information for emergencies
6, Accommodation details
- an address, a contact number and name and directions, you'd be surprised how many people have no idea where they are meant to be staying and end up in all sorts of places ! Don't completely rely on the sat nav. There are many villages with the same name, roads that have changed, new one way systems - have a back up.
7, Essential prescribed Medication
- such as inhalers, birth control, or any pre existing medical conditions. Bring prescriptions with you, so if you lose what you need, it can easily be replaced. Pharmacies will often honour a European prescription but if not we can get you a Drs appointment to re prescribe the correct medecine
8, Mobile phone
9, Clothes !
10, Credit card
- if you forget everything else or disaster strikes at least you can buy what you need with your card. Maybe have a few euros available too, not essential but may come in handy for an emergency coffee or pay loo !
content by Wendy Blakeman
All Rights Reserved | La Grange du Moulin, a child friendly gites property
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Wendy Blakeman Entrepreneur Individuel
Hébergement touristique et autre hébergement de courte durée
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